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Surveys of All Undergraduate Students

Cornell has used a number of survey instruments to learn about the experiences of currently enrolled undergraduate students.  Survey instruments and results are available below.

2023 Cornell Undergraduate Experience (CUE) Survey

Of the 11,554 undergraduate students invited, a total of 2,405 (21%) participated in the 2023 CUE survey.

2021 Cornell Undergraduate Experience (CUE) Survey

Of the 10,510 undergraduate students invited, a total of 4,208 (40%) participated in the 2021 CUE survey.

2019 Cornell Undergraduate Experience (CUE) Survey

Of the 10,894 undergraduate students invited, a total of 3,857 (35%) participated in the 2019 CUE survey.

2017 Cornell PULSE Survey

2015 Cornell PULSE Survey

2013 Cornell PULSE Survey

2011 Cornell PULSE Survey

2009 Cornell PULSE Survey

2007 Enrolled Student Survey

2005 Enrolled Student Survey

2003 Enrolled Student Survey

2001 College Student Experiences Questionnaire

1999 Cycles Survey