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Data Reporting Brown Bag

The Brown Bag is an occasional lunchtime gathering for the purposes of discussing data reporting practices across the university. If you have an interest in the collection, analysis, and/or reporting of institutional data, please considering joining the data reporting listserv:

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May 10th 2019 Brown Bag:

Bringing the Library into focus: Collecting and analyzing data for priority-setting and decision-making.

Members of Cornell University Library’s Department of Assessment and Planning (CUL-A&P) will give a whirl-wind tour of the types of data they collect and analyze to provide evidence and context for priority-setting and decision-making, and to report out locally and nationally, including to raise the Library’s visibility both on- and off-campus.

Past topics include:

  • Facts at Your Fingertips: Institutional Research & Planning Facilitates Responses to External Data Requests (Oct 7, 2016)
    • IRP’s presentation (ppt)
    • When Does IRP Handle External Data Requests? (pdf)
  • Student, Staff and Faculty Surveys (April 7, 2017)
    • IRP’s presentation (pdf)
  • Using the University’s Tableau Server

Other ideas?  Let us know; email [email protected]

Other presentations

2012 Parent Survey presentation to SAS Senior Staff

2012 New Student Survey presentation

Satisfaction with Student Life: Evidence from the Senior Surveys (pdf)
Presented at the Academic and Student Support Program Professionals (ASPP) Meeting, September 2010