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Employee Survey

The Cornell Employee Survey asks employees about their jobs, career development, respect and fairness, leadership and direction, and life outside of Cornell.  It was administered in 2011, 2016, and 2022.

The 2022 Employee Survey included all full-time employees who were not already included in the 2022 Academic Work Life Survey, and had accrued at least six months of service time with the university. Fifty-nine percent of invited employees responded to the survey.

A brief overview of responses to the Cornell Employee Survey is here:

The 2016 Employee Survey included all full-time employees who were not already included in the 2016 Academic Work Life Survey, as well as all benefits eligible part-time employees. Sixty-eight percent of invited employees responded to the survey.

A brief overview of responses to the Cornell Employee Survey is here:

The 2011 Survey included all full-time employees (excluding tenure and tenure track faculty) and all benefits eligible part-time employees.  There was a 70% response rate.